Consuming private Swift Packages in GitHub Actions


I had a case for a native App we are working on where we already have some Swift Packages in Azure DevOps Repos, which we would like to consume in a project that lives in GitHub.

Locally on your machine this setup is pretty easy to work with if you are using something like Git Credential Manager. You just install the manager, use https urls and it will pop open a Web Browser to ask for your credentials when needed. This interactive way of authenticating is not really possible when you run in CI.

Stuff that didn’t work

I tried using git credential store and added something like this in the beginning of my workflow:

- name: Add Azure DevOps repo authentication for SwiftPM
  run: |
    git config --global credential.helper store
    git config --global --add http.https://[email protected]/$ORG/$PROJECT/_git/.extraHeader "AUTHORIZATION: Basic $BASE64PAT"
    ORG: orgname
    PROJECT: projectname
    BASE64PAT: $

This didn’t work at all, even though multiple source online says it was supposed to.

I also thought of using SSH keys, but I don’t want to do that since Azure DevOps Repos do not support LFS over SSH, so that would open up another can of worms for me.

.netrc to the rescue

.netrc is know from the *nix world for allowing you to store credentials for automatically log into services like ftp, http etc. So a help to avoid having to enter your credentials every time you want to connect to these services.

In GitHub Actions, there is a convenient action to create such file for you:

- uses: extractions/netrc@v1
    username: orgname
    password: $

Adding the .netrc now allows SwiftPM to resolve the package and CI is now happy

While this works for Swift Packages, it will likely work for other things for you as well.