Reiser4 FS update on SourceForge
16 Oct 2012 | Linuxconcealment wrote:
If you can find any name that's not related to murdering your wife, go for it. Bonus points if it's catchy.
Anonymous answered:
My vote for MRDRFS.a reply from tobiasly:
REDRUMFS. As long as you don't use it for mirroring, no one will know.A comment from serviscope_minor:
There's going to be a few off color jokes. May as well get started.Jeremiah Cornelius replied:
* It's a killer filesystem.
* My disk died. Was ReiserFS the murderer?
* It's more cutting edge than Reiser's knife.
Kernel merge expected
in 20 years to life.There are probably more jokes in the comments.