Using MapFragment inside ScrollView

I have an app where I need to put a Map inside a ScrollView, doing so will make the ScrollView intercept all the touch events. So the solution is to call RequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true) whenever you need the Map to scroll around, pinching it etc. The problem is that MapFragment or its properties do not expose any touch events, so it makes it a bit harder to find out when it is touched.

I found a nice little code snippet, Lorensius Londa posted on his blog, for Java Android, which overlays the MapFragment with a FrameLayout and using the FrameLayout touch event. Using this exact technique help me achieve my goal as well. Here is the code I used.

So as you see in the code there is a TouchableWrapper which simply fires some Actions whenever it was touched or the touch was released. This is grabbed by the TouchableMapFragment which subsequently fires the equivalent events.
The Fragment is used as follows in a AXML layout.
Then you can use the events in your Activity like so.
Now you should be able to navigate your Map when it is nested in a ScrollView.