Port of Floating Action Button

Android L has introduced something called a Floating Action Button (FAB), which is basically a circle overlayed on top your application. This FAB can be clicked to do an action. In the Google+ application this is used to persistently allow the user to create a new post.

It basically looks like in the screenshot above, where you can see a circle with a play icon at the bottom of the screen. Faiz Malkani backported this from Android L to work on JellyBean and KitKat, and I took the liberty to port it to Xamarin.Android.

You can find the repository on GitHub along with a sample application, which the screenshot above is from.

Xamarin.Forms and MvvmCross

As promised during the Xamarin 3 webinar, I have made a small sample showing how to use Xamarin.Forms along with MvvmCross.

What I did was look at the code Stuart Lodge already had made in another private repository, and adapted this to use it with Xamarin.Forms. What it basically does is implement custom Presenter implementations, which work with the way Xamarin.Forms navigates its Pages, which is through a NavigationPage and simple Push and Pop methods. This is wrapped in a PageNavigationProvider in MvvmCross which is in turn leveraged by the custom presenter.

Right now the sample has these presenters and MvvmCross specific classes built in, but will most likely in the future be pulled out and made into a plugin, which you can use in your own applications.

So the sample itself is a very simple application, which allows you to search TMDB for movies, it then fetches similar movies based on your search query and displays them. In turn you can then press an item in the list presenting the search results and get detailed information about the movie.

The sample actually covers a lot of MvvmCross by using:

  • ViewModels
  • Services
  • Custom Presenters
  • Bindings
  • Commands
  • Converters
  • Nuget
You can get the sample on Github

Noise Sentinel at Microsoft Case studies

Microsoft just recently released a case study regarding one of the products I work on at Brüel & Kjær, namely Noise Sentinel. This case study is based on the usage of Microsoft Azure and the services Microsoft provides and how they have helped innovating the product.

You can read the case study here: Microsoft Case Study

FoldingLayout ported to Xamarin.Android

I found this little cute library, called Folding-Android, which implements a fun type of layout, which adds a folding effect to any layout you nest inside of it. I have ported this for Xamarin.Android for everyone to enjoy.

Find it in Xamarin Component Store and fork it on GitHub!

Here are some sample screenshots showing what it can do:

Folding Horizontally with 2 folds
Folding Vertically

It also has implementations which sub-classes DrawerLayout and SlidingPaneLayout, from Support v4, which adds the effect to their drawer/pane.

DrawerLayout implementation
SlidingPaneLayout implementation

SlidingUpPanel port for Xamarin Android!

I spent some of my time yesterday on a bit of porting Java to C#, instead of sitting in the sun and drinking beer. I found this pretty neat little library, AndroidSlidingUpPanel, which adds a panel to your app, which slides up from either the bottom or top of your screen. The code itself is very inspired by the innards of SlidingPaneLayout from Support v4.

Anyways, here is a GIF of what it looks like:

Adding to your project is pretty simple. Simply grab it from the Xamarin Component store or if you prefer, you can clone or download it from GitHub, which also has the component, but also the source code. There is a nice sample which will show you how to use this library, but if you just want to get started quickly. Simply add the following code to the AXML layout file you want this panel in:

So the SlidingUpPanelLayout should be the root of your layout, and then it will have two children. First child is your content layout, what your originally had in your layout. The second child is the contents of the panel. Now you are good to go! For more info look at the docs on either the component store or on GitHub!